Tuesday, November 11, 2008

happy tuesday

i am going to sign up stevie for school today. sniff sniff. i feel like a new mom doing this, not one who's oldest kid has been in school for 3 years.

a friend told me yesterday that i make smart babies. you know what? she's right! stephen has begun playing peek-a-boo, covering his face with his hands peek-a-boo. its the cutest damn thing. when he sees mike he sticks out his tongue, when is that man going to learn that these games he teaches our kids tend to come bite us on the bootie later? like when he thought it was HYSTERICAL to say "you know who? chicken poo!" to mason. and then mason would not stop saying it, for like a year. at school. yeah.

damn i love my husband, he sure does know how to make those boys laugh.
man its raining, again. my grass & plants are happy as they are completely h2o deprived when mother nature leaves it up to me. i am ready for this weekend, for the cold.
i get to go spend some time with some of my mommy friends this morning and i haven't gotten to do that in awhile. its one of my favorite things that i haven't been able to do in awhile.
one of the best things ever, other mommies to share the journey with. what the hell would i do without you ladies? i'd be a babbling idiot, more so than i am presently.

we recieved our first inquiry into our halfway house last night, so if homeboy sticks around we will have 2 clients when we open. this guy is actually a husband of an old friend of mine, but apparently he got our flier somehow. i am SO excited.


Jenn said...

Sooo, that's where my daughter picked up "chicken poo"....we alwasy wondered. :)

I wish I was there this morning!!!

Kerry Beth said...

yep. guilty.
we miss you!