Monday, August 25, 2008

laugh out loud funny

saw two movies this weekend:

tropic thunder. ok, i know there's this big controversy regarding the use of the word retard and one of ben stillers characters in the movie. let me just say i am so utterly sensitive to social issues and special needs people. but people this is comedy. as mike says "nothing is sacred in comedy" and i agree with that completely. i'm not saying there are not issues with the way we use language. but with that being said it was FuNnY! tom cruise was freaking hysterical (and he REALLY super bugs me)

knocked up. laughed my you know what off. my favorite part is when they go to vegas on mushrooms. tears came i laughed so hard.

its official

stephen is mobile - he is scooching around on his bottom, getting from a to b. i left him in the den while i cleaned the kitchen this morning (yes i cleaned the kitchen, not just the floor either-the counters, cabinets, etc.) and he made it all the way around the couch to the other end of room. apparently he almost pulled a lamp down on his head as i noticed it half dangling off of the table just now :-) man they'll let anyone be a parent. its a whole new ballgame from here on out.
he and mason also entertaned themselves while i cleaned for almost an hour, thats good stuff.

mason starts back school tomorrow, i'm excited for him (yeah and for me too!!)

now i have shocking news. anyone that knows me knows i view exercise as a four letter word, especially the "gym workout" i can handle the walking/running around the neighborhood but the other stuff freaks me out. not just because i am lazy, but don't get me wrong, I AM LAZZYYY.....
but because i think i'm intimidated by the whole gym "scene"(this coming from a lady whose never worked out in a gym) gotta love the contempt prior to investigation. anyway we joined a gym today. my goals: to swim some of this "baby weight" off, maybe take a yoga class, and most of all help my family & myself live a more active lifestyle. on that note i've been walking to the mailbox (no smart ass whoever you are - i know you're out there, not to the end of my driveway) but two streets away.
go team cottingham

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

2714 palm st

we had the inspection done yesterday, really pleasantly surprised considering this is an almost 80 year old house we're buying. its going to work out beautifully, i think. we may have to put up/take down some walls to optimize space but we'll cross that bridge when we get to it. now we close on the 29th, yes that's next friday!!
the house currently has 2 tenants that we met yesterday, and other than being a little irritated of the inconvenience of having a bunch of people traipsing through their apartments, they seemed very nice. they both just signed their leases in july so we may end up being landlords until next summer, unless we can get them to break lease early.
so we'll see, regardless, the house its perfect so we are one humongous step closer to getting the halfway house up and running.
yeah, go team.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

my confessions

guilty pleasures #3 & #4:

neopolitan ice cream


Tori & Dean on Oxygen channel. yes, i'm hooked. (and she was the one that bugged me on 90210 - and did you hear they are starting a remake this fall? yes i will dvr & watch. along with greys, lipstick jungle & one tree hill) i thought that pouring my heart and soul out about my kids & insecurities was hard. but divulging my love for these shows - thats the real deal.

Sunday, August 17, 2008


mr. stephen has really been doing some cool stuff lately. first of all he has learned to sit up from a lying position all by himself, he has been trying to pull up to a standing postion, he has been clapping, waving, feeding himself finger foods and helping mommy turn the pages of books when we read.
whew - this all just in the last couple of weeks. they grow so fast.....

regarding my obsessing about his sleep in the previous post, i have to remind myself that every "rough patch" we have been throgh with mason, we have survived. usually better than i thought we would.

so there is my dose of hope for the day.

"sleep training"

well this past week i (we) have been attempting "sleep training" with stephen. whats led up to this is him waking me up every 2-3 hours. seriously, he slept better when he was 2 months old.
so we've been trying the "cry it out method" - meaning he cries, i wait 5 minutes & then go in and pat him. leave, he cries, wait 7 minutes, go pat. and on and on till he falls asleep.
argh, this sucks. it actually got better at night immediately - he will wake up once or twice but go back to sleep after a few minutes of whining. however now he seems completely traumitized at naptime. so long story short, too late - i quit. i can't handle it. i'll sleep when i'm dead.

this leads me to something i've been thinking/feeling about lately. it all ties into being true to self and doing what i feel is best for me & my kids. which - is hard. especially when i struggle with what that truth is in the first place. i feel like if i could just find the answers within myself i could ask god to give me the courage to follow through. maybe i need to be praying for the appropriate questions to ask?

another thing i've been meditating on is that i'm tired of worrying what other people may think of me. and although thats gotten less and less as i grow more and more, its still there. i'm just not interested in living in that anymore. its exhausting. i want freedom so that i may be the best me i can be, for myself & my family. maybe that will come as i continue to make the best well informed & intuitive/god inspired decisions i can - oh and forgive myself WHEN i fall short.

that probably makes no sense, does to me though. probably one of the most important things i can do is cut myself a brake, i can be soooooooooooo serious......

Thursday, August 14, 2008

2714 Palm St.


our offer was accepted -


say hello to the future home of freedom house! it will be a sober living home for recovering alchoholic & drug addicted men seeking a new life & recovery through alcoholics anonymous. we might open up part of the duplex for "young adults" ages 17-25 that will have more stringent rules and additional life building skills taught.

wow, i'm kind of in shock i think. we are still working out part of the contract with the bank, so anything can happen. i feel like we've truly put this in Gods hands, so no matter what happens its all good!

Thursday, August 7, 2008

9 months ago today

sweet baby stephen was born

son, you complete my life, i love you


so i'm not really sure who all reads this, but i'm curious to know if any of you have a blog? or have any that you enjoy? if so would you please share with me/us in comments?

i'm not really sure what i get out of this, its an outlet of sorts i guess that has kind of filled a place that used to be filled with adult conversation at work (i do miss those ladies & no i am not going back!) i feel kind of vulnerable sometimes with the things i share. i can get into that "what will they think?" but i guess thats the good part about the blogging - no one there to say really, so i'm free to say what i want. i think its a good way to strengthen myself with, well myself, i guess.

i'm grateful today that god does not make the terms too difficult for those that seek him, her, it.....

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

stc update

well stephen made the beloved sounds - mama.
and it was pointed out that i didn't share that he's been saying dada for weeks now :-)
so d's, m's, r's, k's, g's, b's - i love his little voice.

freedom house

i posted last weekend that we made an offer on a house for our halfway house, did not get it. apparently it is different when you place a bid for a bank owned property - the offer accepted was actually above the list price. crazy.
so we've continued looking around various areas around town over the last week and weekend. all i can say is deed restrictions, deed restrictions, deed restrictions!
BUT, i may have some news over the next several days about something else we have in the works! so again fear of the unknown...... leads me to faith in god. i truly believe he, she, it - whatever - has my back. mike thinks the worst thing that can happen is that we don't try, i think he's right.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

bye bye green blankie

my oh so big boy said goodbye to his favorite blanket today. it has been his most favorite thing for the last two years, before green blanket there was blue blanket (blue was lost when mason threw it out of the window two years ago in a fit driving down eldridge)

it was time to let go, green had all of the edges ripped off and was slowly forming hole after hole. it really had turned into a holey scarf that he would wrap around his neck while he slept.

so i have mentioned to him a couple of times lately that it will be time to say goodbye soon. he comes downstairs this a.m. and says:

"daddy, i'm ready to throw my blanket away now" and he did it. no tears and no regrets, so far.