Tuesday, November 18, 2008


am i the only one whose kid's high-pitched screeching causes a physical reaction. cringing, hair raising cringing? stephen can hit notes that, well that are quite impressive actually. eeeek.

i feel much better today than i did yesterday & the day before. we (meaning mike) has finally had conversations with a couple of our neighbors over by the halfway house. needless to say they are not happy (meaning totally f-ing pissed off) which i totally GET. i would be too. we knew the reactions that we would recieve. but i feel bad. the point is to help people, maybe help change a few lives. not cause harm. however i know that wherever we went someone would have to deal with us being there. so the doubt, the fear, the wanting to hide under my covers resurfaces. and i feel tired. which i'm coming to see is the way that i deal with stress & feelings - i get tired. fortunately, or unfortunately, depending on ones perspective, having two kids does not allow one to hide under the covers. not even for a couple of hours. damn. regardless of how the neighbors percieve us, we will press on. we are completely within our rights to do what we are doing, and frankly this is the best area suited for it.
another fun item of business, we are pushing back our opening. we are having to make sure we are up to the city firse marshalls code. we did not get accurate info regarding this initially so we are in the process of verifying what we need to do. good times.

so more will be revealed. whatever will be will be.

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