i went back today to the midwives to have an ultrasound to determine a more accurate due date. it turns ourt i am FOURTEEN AND A HALF weeks along! due on january 11th. baby looks good. the only potential issue, whiich my midwife assured me was a non-issue, is that i have a low lying placenta. she said it is not previa, nor is it marginal or partial, just low lying. (which means it is close to my cervix. if the placenta covers the cervix at delivery it means a c-section would be necessary as the baby could not get out) but she assures me she is not worried, just wanted me to know to watch out for any spotting after certain "activities".
i go back in five weeks for my checkup and anatomy scan in which we will hopefully find out gender :) i am sooo relieved to be this far along. its easier to breathe and really get excited. its been strange because we've known for so long, just told everyone a couple of weeks ago, and now i'm in my second trimester. moving fast it feels like.
I am so excited for you!! I can't believe our babies are due just a few days apart again. Many blessings, Meredith.
I cannot wait for your next baby update in 5 weeks!!! It will be so cool if you're having another boy, so the boys can be brothers the way the three of us were sisters growing up . . . and it will be so awesome if you have a girl, so you can have both kinds.
Anyway, maybe I'm just being weird, but that baby already looks like little Mason in his/her face. Definitely a Cottingham-looking baby, that one.
January 11th huh? Maybe you'll get lucky and have "it" early and get that tax credit....:) I'm super excited too!! See you guys soon!
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