Tuesday, October 7, 2008

is it election day yet???

i can't take it anymore. i told myself i was done with political news coverage (which of course would include the debates) but i am a glutton for punishment. i am watching. let me just say i know who i'm voting for. i feel strongly about it. there is no sway in this voter. BOTH of these guys are killing me. i'm over it - please november 4th get here.
if you are not like i, if you are an undecided, if you are not planning on voting - i'm not even going to plug my guy - please do some research and go rock the vote.

i haven't had the drive to write as much lately. i've been doing some other things with my free time so haven't taken the few mintues to check in. stephen turned 11 months old yesterday. he is pulling up and taking steps. still is a big ole pain in my you know what in regards to eating. i do not know where he gets his picky nature from, the rest of us will eat pretty much whatever you put in front of us. we have started doing some sleep training again and its actually working, a little bit. still having to pat him a couple/few times a night. cannot believe he is almost one year old. wow.

mike has gout. yes gout. he went to the doctor today because he thought he broke his foot. poor thing, should be better in 24-36 hours. crazy.

off to bed.

1 comment:

Jenn said...

Yeah, the last debate, absolutely painful to watch. This guy's good, no this guy's good, no this guy sucks, no this guys sucks...oh screw it, is Nader still running??