Thursday, May 29, 2008

aha moment

i had an aha moment today as i cooked chicken enchiladas (which were very yummy).
i felt very self satisfied - we went to see the houston symphony put on a kids show this morning, so i did something fabulously stimulating and educational, i cleaned the house and cooked a delicious homecooked meal. so it dawned on me that i felt like superwoman, which is great, but instead of feeling bad about myself when i get nothing done in a day, i can just be pleased with myself when i do. i know this is an obvious concept, i guess i just internalized it.
i've been working on letting go of the "shoulds" and just letting what is, be. a struggle i have is comparing myself to others, and thats a bunch of hoo-ha. i am who and what i am and i have got to give myself a break sometimes.

i am grateful for my children today, my health and for homeade toffee :-)

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