Saturday, February 13, 2010

welcome nicholas buchanan!

four weeks ago today i was going into labor. i will eventually make myself type out his birth story but for now just want to post some pics of our newest addition.
he was born on january 17th at 3:14 a.m. (although his birth certificate says 2:55 a.m - more will be revealed on that when i tell his story) he was 7 pounds 12 oz and 20 1/2 inches long.
we are doing well. the boys are awesome with him. so loving and gentle and all around excited to have another brother. it seems the change has manifested itself with them fighting amongst themselves more, oh and with us too! stephen all of a sudden seems VERY two years old. but alas, he is just that! the lack of sleep is starting to catch up to me (us) almost a month later so i feel tired. but overall pretty good. the first few days postpardum were awful. awful. i felt physically ill with what i can only describe as the feeling of being homesick. but the hormonal insanity passed after about a week and has not really returned. we are trying to learn how to balance life with three children which can be pretty frustrating and overwhelming. i'm just trying to let myself make it today. i know that sooner than later this will all be old hat.

1 comment:

Jenn said...

What a fabulous family you have! Love you all so very much!!!