Thursday, February 5, 2009

we have a wean-er

well after almost 15 months stephen is officially off of the boobie. today is day 3 no nursing. and i am..... kind of sad. i'm also HIGHLY hormonal, which i'm sure will ease up sooner than later. its been a LONG frickin time since i was not either preggo or nursing, holy crap i just did the math - 2 years. wow. so a little whackadoo-ness seems appropriate, does it not?
so i've been a bit nutty, impatient, irritable. but i've thrown myself harder into prayer, meditation, trying to nurse the good thoughts rather than the bad (b/c believe me people, i have bad thoughts sometimes) my stepwork, exercise. posittive things. i tend to focus on negative.
i will leave you with a small gratitude list that i actually FEEL (you know how sometimes you know in your head you're grateful for something but don't feel it?)
- that its thursday. woo-hoo my night out.
- my healthy children
- that i can read/write/talk/dance/run/see/smell/taste/hear/love ..... i guess that i am living
- friendship
- the fantabulous weather we've been having. holy crap its been GORGEOUS!

1 comment:

Jenn said...

We are weaned too. Avery nursed for the last time on Thursday morning. It had been a week since she had nursed and I just had a little left and she didn't feel good, so I caved. I don't think I'm producing anymore...damn, here come the tears. It's so hard! Here's to our big babies...yes, they are still babies!!! It seems like just yesterday we were toting our big bellies around that birthday party at Chuck-e-Cheese!