Sunday, April 27, 2008

losing my mind

the first comment is actually news, i have decided to keep mason home with me over the summer. i feel like it's something i need to do - for him, for me, for us. this should be interesting....

my baby is making me nuts. poor thing, he's been constipated due to adding new foods to his diet, his top two teeth have been cutting through and now he has a bit of a cold. there are times when he is inconsolable and screaming this high-pitched stomach wrenching cry, i actually feel like my head could explode. i felt that way almost ALL DAY TODAY...................
thank god this day is over, i have been a mess. when i have days like these, although intellectually i know this too shall pass, it FEELS like it will never end - that i will always have a fussy, teething baby that for the life of me i cannot get to take a nap. argh, i think i'm done venting.
really i guess all is right with the world, my perfect little boys are sleeping in their warm beds, daddy and i made up from the fight we had earlier as a result of mommies breakdown, and tomorrow is a new day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

See? It got better.

Loving you. :)